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Jade Meaning, Uses, and Healing Properties

Jade StoneGemstones are lovely eye-catching items that have powerful components attached to them as well. As if the aesthetics weren’t enough already to draw you in, you better believe the healing and supportive qualities of gemstones are sure to make you a big fan of these unique items.

One specific gemstone that is adored for both its beauty and healing properties is the jade crystal. Jade crystal comes in various shades of green, but it is highly regarded by many for its beautiful emerald-green color.

This crystal also has many beneficial features associated with it regarding the energy it produces and has come to be known as the “lucky charm” gemstone.

Jade is a stone that consists of two separate minerals; nephrite and jadeite. These items differ in composition as jadeite is a sodium aluminum silicate while nephrite is a calcium magnesium silicate. Jadeite is slightly harder than nephrite and is a 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale compared to the 6 to 6.5 of nephrite. When comparing the two based on availability, jadeite is rarer than nephrite, so the former is more of a precious gemstone than the latter. However, each is a beautiful stone in its own right.

Many might think that jade stones are only found in China, but that’s not the case. Although jade crystals are found in large quantities in China, jadeite and nephrite are also found in Russia, Guatemala, and the United States. In addition, nephrite deposits have also been discovered in New Zealand and the Swiss Alps.

In addition to being beautiful crystals to look at, jade stones are also excellent gemstones with many meanings and use. It’s especially helpful when you want to overcome any self-limitations. With jade on your side, you can push aside anything that holds you back from realizing your goals and get on with achieving many wonderful things in your life.

History of JadeJade

Jade crystal has a lengthy history, appearing long ago in the Stone Age and then throughout the Chinese, Maori, and Meso-American cultures. Jade was also valued greatly by the Aztecs. The symbolism of jade crystals in the past revolved around the ideas of virtue, harmony, and eternity, and it still does to this day.

The Maori of New Zealand used jade stone for tools, weapons, and heirloom pendants referred to as hei-tiki. The Meso-American and Chinese cultures used to bury jade with their deceased loved ones as green stones represent the heart. Jade stones were also considered to be the protector of both living and deceased generations.

Jade Crystal Meaning

There are many meanings associated with a jade stone. One very important jade meaning relates to purity or purification in the body. It will purify your energy field and address feelings such as acceptance, love, and wisdom and gives Jade Healing Properties.

Another meaning of jade is its symbol of gentleness and nourishment in the human body. Jade helps the holder feel nurtured and elevated, which translates to its Healing Properties. In addition, it supports the heart's energy, so it’s no wonder that green jade would have a nurturing component to it.

Jade stone also addresses harmony and self-sufficiency. It is a gemstone that operates on the premise of loving and accepting oneself.

Jade is also known as the dream stone. It helps the body access the spiritual world and encourages creativity and dream-solving. It aids in taking your thought processes to a whole new level and encourages you to know that nothing is out of your reach. It can also help treat the nervous system, eliminating stress and counteracting our everyday stress.

It’s also a symbol of good luck and friendship, which any of us can appreciate and use. So if you want a gemstone that unites individuals and creates a welcoming environment, jade is the gemstone for you.

With all of these meanings associated with jade, it’s easy to see that this is a gemstone that speaks to self-worth, self-appreciation, and overall kindness. And, really, what is better than that?

Healing Properties of Jade

Jade, a gemstone revered for centuries, is believed to possess numerous healing properties. It's not just its beauty that makes jade unique, but also the sense of peace and well-being it is thought to bring.

  1. Emotional Healing: Jade is often associated with emotional healing. It encourages calmness, reduces stress, and promotes balance and harmony. People often turn to jade to soothe the mind and release negative thoughts.
  2. Physical Healing: In traditional beliefs, jade aids in detoxifying the body, enhancing the body's filtration and elimination organs. It's also thought to be beneficial in treating kidney and adrenal gland disorders.
  3. Spiritual Healing: Jade is considered a protective stone that wards off negative energy. It's used in various cultures to attract good luck and friendship. Spiritually, jade is believed to promote a connection to the universe's wisdom and enhance insight during meditation.
  4. Mental Healing: Jade is thought to encourage clarity, wisdom, and courage. It's believed to help make wise decisions, particularly in challenging situations, and boost the mental capacity to understand complex concepts.
  5. Relationship Healing: Known as a stone of love, jade is believed to nurture and attract loving energies. It's often used to enhance trustworthiness and fidelity in relationships.

Many cultures around the world value jade as a precious stone, both for its beauty and for what they think is its healing power. It is worn as jewelry or kept as an amulet.

Different Kinds of Jade

Jade, a highly valued gemstone with a rich cultural history, is predominantly found in two distinct types: Jadeite and Nephrite. Both kinds of jade have unique characteristics and qualities.


This type of jade is rarer and often considered more valuable. It comes in various colors: green, lavender, red, orange, yellow, brown, white, black, and gray. The most prized jadeite is a vibrant emerald green, often called "Imperial Jade." Its color is more vivid, and its transparency is higher compared to nephrite. Jadeite's structure is denser and more granular, contributing to its high strength and durability.

Green Jadeite

A symbol of purity and serenity, Green Jadeite, especially the Imperial Jade, is lush and vibrant, ideal for promoting harmony and emotional balance.

Lavender Jadeite

Soft and soothing, Lavender Jadeite is like a gentle touch of creativity and peace, fostering spiritual insight and tranquility.

Red Jadeite

Fiery and full of life, Red Jadeite ignites courage and passion, perfect for those seeking to awaken their inner strength.

Orange Jadeite

Cheerful and bright, Orange Jadeite radiates warmth and sociability, uplifting spirits and encouraging a positive outlook.

Yellow Jadeite

Like a burst of intellectual sunshine, Yellow Jadeite stimulates the mind, enhancing wisdom and inviting joyous energy.

Brown Jadeite

Earthy and grounding, Brown Jadeite connects one to the natural world, offering stability and a sense of deep-rootedness.

White Jadeite

Symbolizing purity and focus, White Jadeite clears the mind like a fresh, clean canvas, enhancing decision-making and clarity.

Black Jadeite

Enigmatic and protective, Black Jadeite is a guardian, warding off negativity and fostering inner resilience.

Gray Jadeite

Neutral and calming, Gray Jadeite is like a still, misty morning, ideal for finding balance and inner peace.


More common than jadeite, nephrite typically comes in shades of green, white, and creamy tones. Its colors are generally more muted compared to jadeite. Nephrite is known for its creamy, smooth texture and is often less transparent than jadeite. Its fibrous internal structure makes it tough and resistant to breakage. This quality made nephrite famous in ancient cultures for making weapons and tools.

Green Nephrite

Green Nephrite offers a more muted, earthy green, nurturing the heart with its gentle, healing energies reminiscent of a tranquil forest.

White Nephrite

Reflecting simplicity and peace, White Nephrite brings a serene, soft white energy akin to a quiet, snowy landscape.

Creamy Nephrite

Warm and comforting, Creamy Nephrite embodies a soft, light hue, providing a soothing touch and a sense of gentle, pleasant ease.

Both types of jade have been used in various cultures for millennia, prized for their beauty and perceived protective and healing properties. Jade artifacts can be found in various historical contexts, from intricate jewelry to ceremonial objects. Despite their differences, jadeite and nephrite continue to be highly sought after in the gemstone market, each valued for its unique aesthetic and cultural significance.

How to Use Jade

Now that you know the multiple meanings of jade, you’re probably wondering how to put all of its beneficial features to work for you. Since jade's Healing Properties come in many forms and have many uses, you have plenty of options to choose from concerning your jade gemstone.

Here are some of the ways to display and use jade:

1. Jewelry

Jade Ring

Jade is used in various types of jewelry. You can set this gemstone in many different jewelry pieces, from gorgeous jade necklaces to dazzling jade rings. When you wear jade in your jewelry, you have this heartfelt gemstone close to you at all times.

With the popularity of jade, many jewelry makers include this gemstone in their jewelry collections as it not only looks great, but it has a harmonious vibe, too.

And jade comes with various price tags attached to it. So whether you are on a limited budget with your future jade purchase or have some extra money to spend on a new jade jewelry piece, the options are definitely out there.

2. Jade Carvings

Jade Carving

Jade is also constructed into many unique and beautiful carvings. From animals to flowers, you can purchase jade carvings which will look excellent on your shelf and also distribute its soothing energy throughout the room.

And with its exquisite shades of green, your jade carvings are sure to be conversation pieces wherever they’re placed in your home or office.

3. Jade Buddha Statues

Jade Buddha Statue

Jade is also a frequent component of Buddha statues. Buddha statues aren’t just carvings that display the Buddha figure. Every Buddha statue has a meaning behind it, based on what the statue looks like, how Buddha is seated and posed, and more.

When jade is used to construct the Buddha statue, the result is even more amazing!

4. Jade Stones

Jade Stones

You don’t have to display your jade in a jewelry piece, prayer beads, or statue form. Instead, it can work its powerful energy simply in stone form, whether polished or natural.

Jade stones also come in many different shapes and color tones. Collect a variety of jade stones and place them in a protective small cloth bag. You can carry this bag in your pocket or purse or simply keep it tucked away in your bedroom nightstand drawer.

For those who want to display their jade for all to see, you can do so on a handmade wooden display with each jade stone perched perfectly on top of it.

However, if you choose to store or display your jade stones, know that there really is no bad way to do so.

5. Feng Shui

Jade for Feng Shui

Feng shui, or the art of striking a balance between our living and working spaces and the natural world, is a practice in which jade plays a large part.

Known as the harmony and balance gemstone and one that protects and offers good luck, jade is a frequently used gemstone in feng shui.

Jade is an earth element in the feng shui practice, so a piece of jade should be placed in an area that's nourished by the earth element. Basically, you can place your jade in all Bagua areas except for the north and south, and it will work its soothing energy.

When you select a piece of jade for feng shui, you can choose anyone that works best for you. As long as you place your stone correctly, it will produce calming results from stones to statues.

6. Chakra Balancing

Jade for Chakra Balancing

Since jade stone properties are associated with heart energy and healing properties, it’s also an excellent tool to use in your chakra meditations.

Green jade is a gemstone that provides harmony and balance with the heart chakra. This pertains to physical as well as emotional well-being.

To use the jade in your chakra meditations, place the gemstone over your heart or wear a necklace with jade in it that falls right at that level. As you work on your heart chakra meditations, the jade item will help with the process.

Jade can also be used with third eye chakra meditations for help with dreams. Place the jade in the third eye region during meditations and let it work its energy.

Caring for Jade

You want to be certain to keep your jade in the best possible condition and look as lovely as possible. Here are some tips for caring for jade:

  • Do not use jewelry cleaners or household cleaners to clean your jade.
  • Use mild soap and water to gently clean the jade.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the jade as this will prevent scratches and give the stone a vibrant sheen.
  • Store your jade jewelry or another jade item away from other objects to prevent scratches.
  • Prevent hitting your jade against hard surfaces as this can cause it to crack or break.

Jade is a Beautiful Gemstone to Add to Your Collection

Jade is a lovely gemstone to add to your collection. Whether you’re craving a new piece of jewelry or have your eye on a jade statue that would warm up your home’s interior and create good vibes, now is the time to purchase jade.

You can use this gemstone in various ways and feel its vibrations, whether it’s located on a necklace and kept close to your heart or sitting on the shelf in your office. Jade has many wonderful benefits that you can enjoy.

Harmony, gentleness, purity, good luck, love, and wisdom are all features associated with the stone jade and all ones that we can put to good use in our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are Jade’s physical healing properties?

A: Jade is great for detoxing the organs in your body. Especially the bladder, kidneys, and spleen. Jade can even remove toxins from your blood.

Q: What are Jade’s emotional healing properties?

A: Jade is a very protective and nurturing stone. I can uplift the energy around you and has the ability to turn negative energies into positive ones. Jade is also mentally and emotionally calming. Jade can help you process trauma and regulate intense emotions.

Q: How to energetically cleanse Jade

A: Using sage or palo santo is a great way to cleanse your Jade. You can also run it underwater for a few minutes to release any excess energies that have built up.

Q: How to tell if my Jade is real?

A: When holding Jade, it should feel cold and have a soap-like feel. In the light, jade should capture light and appear almost like water. There should be some imperfections, but should have a consistent color. It should have a perfect balance of smooth, vibrant colors, with a few natural characteristics like pits or rough spots.

Q: Should Jade be placed in the sun?

A: Yes. Jade is safe to have inconsistent, direct sunlight without any negative effects.

Q: Is it normal for Jade to break?

A: Jade is a very tough stone, but can crack or break if it's dropped onto a hard surface. As will all crystals, handle them with care.

Q: Is Jade toxic?

A: Jade is non-toxic and safe for personal use.

Q: What does Jade look like?

A: Jade comes in a variety of vibrant colors and is smooth and soft to the touch. It can be opaque and translucent. It can also have natural pits or rough spots from where it was cultivated.

Q: Why does wearing Jade make me feel ill?

A: As with all crystals, they have their own unique energies. Sometimes these energies can be intense at first. If it makes you feel anxious or jittery, it may help to cleanse it with sage or palo santo or pair it with clear or smoky quartz to help soften the effects.

Q: How to attune and set intentions with your Jade?

A: To activate and attune to your Jade, you need to charge it with your own energy. Hold the stone in your hands while closing your eyes. Visualize your goals and intentions and picture these feelings absorbing into your stone.

Q: Does the size or placement of Jade matter?

A: Not at all. No matter how big or small, Jade benefits will have the same impact. You can wear it anywhere on the body or keep it in your pocket. It can be placed anywhere in your home to enjoy its balancing and protective qualities.

Q: What crystals are good to pair with Jade?

A: Pairing Jade with Carnelian is great when attracting abundance and good luck. Jasper is also great for bringing balance and support to your relationships. I can also help with feelings of relaxation and tranquility. For the protective nature of Jade, using Onyx or Black Tourmaline will heighten the protective energies of both stones.

Q: Who should wear Jade?

A: Everyone! Jade can help balance your physical body as well as your emotional well-being. Jade is great for anyone looking for a little extra emotional support and increasing your positivity.

Q: Does Jade help with depression and grief?

A: Absolutely! Jade is a great stone for peace and tranquility. It provides a supportive space for you to process your emotions with a clear and grounded perspective.