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Ruby Crystal Meaning, Uses, and Healing Properties

RubyExplore the ruby crystal's meaning, uses, and healing properties to unlock energy, love, and courage in your life. Discover its power today.

Ruby crystals are not just beautiful; they are believed to hold powerful healing properties. They bring love, energy, and courage to those who keep them close. This gemstone is thought to improve motivation and inspire the heart with passion.

In our journey to understand the ruby crystal, we explore its supposed ability to heighten emotions and bring a sense of courage, grounding, and abundance. Whether set in jewelry or kept as a loose stone, rubies are seen as connectors to the Root and Heart Chakras, providing a tangible link to the intangible qualities of life, such as vigor, strength, and the endurance of love.

Ruby Crystal Overview

Rubies are renowned for their remarkable hardness and vibrant red colors, sitting prominently alongside the most precious gemstones in history. These crystals are not only admired for their beauty but also a past steeped in historical richness.

Historical Significance

Natural rubies have been held in high esteem across various cultures for thousands of years, symbolizing wealth, wisdom, and love. Often associated with royalty and the upper classes, rubies were believed to offer protection and were used to adorn armor, weaponry, and jewelry. Historical accounts suggest that ancient traders referred to the finest rubies as "pigeon's blood," a term that still describes the most sought-after shade of ruby today.

Formation and Composition

Our focus on the formation and composition of rubies reveals that they are a variety of corundum, an aluminum oxide crystal. The presence of chromium is responsible for the ruby's red color, ranging from pinkish-red to a deep, rich red. They boast a hexagonal crystal system and are second only to diamonds in hardness, ranking 9 on the Mohs scale. 

These gemstones are predominantly found in marble and basalt rocks, and the conditions under which they form affect their quality and hue. The term "corundum" is used for gemstones in all colors except red, specifically called a ruby, highlighting its unique status.

  • Mineral: Corundum
  • Color: Typically red
  • Hardness: 9 on the Mohs scale
  • Crystal System: Hexagonal

In the expansive world of gemstones, natural rubies stand out for their deep-rooted historical significance and distinctive formation, making them a crystal of both beauty and durability.

Ruby Meaning and Symbolism

 Large Ruby Stone

We recognize the ruby as one of the most distinguished gemstones throughout history. Its deep red hue is traditionally associated with passion, love, and vitality. The ruby's significance extends beyond mere decoration; it embodies a rich symbolism appreciated across various cultures and ages.

  • Power and Wealth: Historically, rubies have symbolized power and high status. They were often worn by royalty and thought to attract wealth.
  • Protection: Many believe that carrying or wearing a ruby can offer protection against misfortune and ill health.
  • Passion and Love: The intensity of red in rubies is seen as a representation of deep love and fiery passion.

Furthermore, rubies evoke a sense of courage and strength in the wearer, encouraging them to face their fears. As a July birthstone, they hold special meaning for those born that month, offering them heightened energy and enthusiasm.

Quality Symbolism
Color Passion and energy
Birthstone for July
Cultural Royalty, power, protection


In metaphysical terms, we understand rubies to stimulate the base chakra, enhancing vitality and chi, the life-force energy, throughout the physical body. They are often used in meditation practices to increase concentration and motivation and encourage a clear mind and heart.

Physical and Optical Properties

This section will explore rubies' distinctive physical and optical characteristics contributing to their value and desirability among gemstones.

Color and Appearance

Rubies are celebrated for their striking red color, ranging from deep, rich reds to lighter reddish-pink shades. The most sought-after rubies exhibit a color known as "pigeon's blood," a potent red with a hint of blue, ensuring their top-tier status. 

Trace amounts of chromium imbue this color within the aluminum oxide crystal. Although typically associated with red, sapphire is the term for all other colored varieties of the mineral corundum, the family to which ruby belongs. Rubies may occasionally display inclusions, which are standard internal features and can sometimes aid in authentication.

Hardness and Durability

The durability of rubies is one of their most notable physical properties. With a Mohs hardness rating of 9, they are second only to diamonds in mineral hardness.

This impressive hardness stems from their crystalline structure—the hexagonal crystal system—which contributes to their strength and affects the gemstone's luster, usually ranging from adamantine to vitreous. The robustness of rubies makes them an ideal choice for jewelry that withstands daily wear.

Spiritual and Healing Energies

Ruby crystals are known for their strong energy, profound connection to emotional and spiritual growth, and capacity to aid physical healing. We understand these stones as carriers of vitality, promoting courage, passion, and love.

Emotional and Spiritual Growth

People think that rubies can open up the Heart Chakra, encouraging us to open up to love and compassion. By working with the Heart Chakra, we can balance our emotions, fostering harmony within ourselves and our interactions with others. In essence, a ruby enhances our capacity for emotional healing by:

  • Cleansing negative energies: Transforming them into positive vibrations and providing protection from external influences.
  • Boosting chi and energy flow: Enhancing vitality and increasing life force.
  • Encouraging passion and courage: Inspiring us to tackle life's challenges confidently.

Physical Healing Properties

Rubies also resonate with the Root Chakra, grounding us and connecting our energy to the earth. This establishes a strong foundation for physical and spiritual health. Key attributes of rubies in physical healing include:

  • Detoxification: Rubies promote blood circulation, contributing to overall body detoxification.
  • Balance: They facilitate finding a stable equilibrium within the body's systems.
  • Protection: As a traditional talisman, rubies are thought to offer protection against various ailments.

By recognizing the metaphysical properties of rubies, we can better harness their energy towards fortifying the spirit and body against life's adversities.

Mystical Associations and Symbolism

Red ruby

Rubies steeped in ancient lore are often linked with life force and inner strength. They are widely regarded as symbols of power and vitality.

Cultural and Mythological Connections

Rubies have long been revered across cultures for their deep red hue, reminiscent of blood and the heart, essential symbols of life and vitality. Legends mention that rubies contain an inner flame representing strength and everlasting light, akin to the sun. These precious stones have been associated with fortune, wealth, and nobility. In ancient Burmese culture, soldiers valued rubies, believing they granted invulnerability.

  • Life Force: Rubies are believed to connect with the blood, enhancing vigor and life.
  • Inextinguishable Flame: Symbolic of the sun, representing inexhaustible power within.
  • Fortune and Wealth: Historically linked with prosperity and the wealth of nobility.

Astrological Affiliations

In astrology, rubies are closely aligned with two zodiac signs: Aries and Capricorn. Aries individuals, known for their leadership and confidence, may find rubies amplify their inherent strength. For Capricorn, a sign associated with discipline and self-control, rubies might enhance self-esteem and ambition.

  • Aries: Enhances natural leadership and fortitude.
  • Capricorn: Encourages self-love and determination.

How to Use Ruby Stone

ruby ring

When we introduce ruby stones into our lives, we harness specific energies that these gemstones are believed to hold. Here's how we can effectively use ruby stones:

Wearing Ruby

  • Jewelry: We often wear rubies set in rings, earrings, necklaces, or bracelets. This direct skin contact allows continuous interaction with the stone's energies.
  • As a Talisman, We carry rubies to act as talismans, providing courage and passion throughout our daily activities.

Ruby in Meditation

  • Chakra Alignment: We place rubies on the body aligned with the root chakra to stimulate vitality and ground ourselves during meditation sessions.
  • Visualization: Holding a ruby while meditating can enhance our ability to visualize and manifest our intentions.

At Home or Work

  • Decorative Pieces: We can place ruby stones as decorative elements in our living or workspace to invite abundance and positive energies.
  • Feng Shui: Incorporating rubies in the southern area of space is believed to attract fame and associated attributes in Feng Shui.

Ruby Gifts

  • Symbolic Gifts: Giving rubies signifies deep affection and a durable relationship, embodying love and commitment.

By incorporating rubies in these ways, we aim to benefit from their properties, bringing balance, energy, and vibrancy into our lives. Ensure the ruby stones are cleansed and charged to maintain their positive attributes.

Caring for Your Ruby

cleaning and polishing red ruby bracelet

We understand that maintaining the quality and energy of our ruby crystals is paramount. By following proper cleaning and charging procedures and adhering to tips for longevity, we ensure our rubies retain their vibrance and metaphysical properties.

Cleaning and Charging

Rubies should be cleansed and charged regularly to maintain their energetic properties. For cleaning, use soapy, warm water and a soft brush to clean your ruby of any dust or dirt that has gathered on it. For charging, place your ruby in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours, which can help to revitalize its energy.

Cleaning Steps:

  • Collect some warm water and mild soap in a bowl.
  • Gently brush the ruby with a soft toothbrush.
  • Rinse under clean water to remove any soap.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth.

Charging Techniques:

  • Expose to sunlight for 1-2 hours.
  • Bathe in moonlight overnight, especially during a full moon.

Tips for Longevity

Keeping your ruby in excellent condition extends beyond simple cleaning; it includes mindful handling and storage. Always store your ruby separately to avoid scratches from harder stones. Do not use harsh chemicals on it, like home cleaners and acidic substances, because they can damage it or make it look less shiny.

Storage Suggestions:

  • Keep it in a fabric-lined box.
  • Use a separate compartment or a soft pouch.

Handling Advice:

  • Take off any ruby jewelry before doing any activities.
  • Avoid drastic temperature changes to prevent cracking.

Ruby Variations and Similar Gems

Rubies are renowned for their vivid red color and exceptional hardness, but several other gemstones resemble this classic gem. We will explore how rubies compare to these similar stones and discuss the intricacies of synthetic and treated rubies.

Comparing Ruby to Other Gemstones

Ruby is in the same family as sapphires, which is corundum. Their color ranges from pink to blood-red, a hue due to traces of the element chromium. The following list highlights stones often mistaken for rubies:

  • Garnet: Commonly found in red but available in various colors, garnet is less hard and typically more affordable than ruby.
  • Spinel: Once confused with ruby, red spinel stands out with its brilliant sparkle and is highly prized in its own right.
  • Rose Quartz: Though not as transparent or red as ruby, its pinkish hue can sometimes draw comparisons.
  • Sapphires: While sapphires are generally known for their blue color, they can come in a pink variety that may resemble lighter rubies.

Synthetic and Treated Rubies

The market also features rubies that are not entirely natural:

  • Synthetic Rubies: These are made in a lab and have the same chemical make-up as real ones. However, they tend to be more flawless and less expensive.
  • Treated Rubies: Some natural rubies undergo treatments like heat to enhance their appearance. While they are real rubies, these processes improve their color and clarity.

We emphasize the importance of understanding these distinctions to make informed decisions when selecting a ruby or a similar gemstone.

Frequently Asked Questions

This part answers some of the most common questions people have about ruby crystals, such as what they are made of, how they can affect our lives, and what their metaphysical traits are.

What are the metaphysical properties of ruby crystals?

Rubies are believed to enhance visualization, promote positive dreams, and encourage leadership qualities. They are associated with abundance and can aid in fostering passion within relationships.

How can wearing a ruby influence one's life?

A ruby is often associated with invigorating confidence, passion, and courage. People may experience increased motivation and emotional strength.

What are the historical uses and significance of ruby crystals?

Historically, rubies have been regarded as the gem of nobility. Many cultures esteemed them as symbols of wealth, power, and protection.

What are the healing benefits of ruby Crystal?

Rubies are believed to contribute to emotional healing, fostering love and passion. They are thought to aid in mending broken hearts and alleviating depressive states.

Which zodiac signs benefit most from wearing ruby gemstones?

Ruby gemstones are particularly advantageous for those born under the signs of Leo and Scorpio, resonating well with their intrinsic qualities.

What does the ruby stone symbolize in biblical texts?

In biblical lore, rubies symbolize wisdom and beauty, often referenced as precious and worthy of seeking.

Who should not wear ruby?

Individuals advised against wearing rubies are typically those whose astrological conditions may conflict with the stone's attributes, such as causing excessive aggression or impulsivity.

Is Ruby a lucky stone?

Many believe that rubies can attract good luck, especially in matters of the heart and leadership.

Does Ruby attract wealth?

Ruby is often claimed to attract wealth and help retain finances, encouraging a flow of abundance.

What are the rules for wearing ruby?

The common rules for wearing ruby suggest setting it in gold or copper and wearing it on the ring finger of the right hand, especially on Sundays. Care should be taken to consult with an expert to maximize its potential benefits.