Essential Oils for Constipation and Healthier Gut
Essential oils for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome are meant to be applied not ingested. Essential oils are derived from various parts of plants. Stems, seeds, leaves, bark, and resin are all used in the distillation of essential oils.
Most have familiar names however there is a huge difference in the strengths and bioactive components of essential oils when compared to their herbal counterparts.
Essential oils are highly concentrated making them that much more potent than herbs. Through a process of steam distillation or cold press, the active compounds of the plants are extracted. This concentrated form of bioactive ingredients is meant to be externally applied with a carrier oil or diffused in water as aromatherapy.
Herbal medicines and essential oil processes have been used in traditional cultural medicines for thousands of years. Their uses have been identified through practice by healers, spiritualists, and doctors from ancient times through today.
Like current modern medicines, each essential oil has a specific effect on the body, illnesses, and maladies.
Also like modern pharmaceuticals, the dosage is important as well as being cognizant of side effects and interactions. Just because essential oils are “all-natural” doesn’t mean that they can be mixed randomly or even used along with prescribed or over-the-counter medicines.
In fact, as modern medicine continues to research the power of herbal and essential oil curative powers and interactions, awareness about contradictions is being realized. Many prescription medicines carry warnings specifically against mixing them with particular herbal and essential oils depending on the drug and malady.
Essential oils can be toxic when ingested. The highly concentrated derivatives of plants and their by-products are meant to be used as topicals and aromatherapies.
What Essential Oils Are Good for Constipation?
Oils for constipation and the digestive tract are derived from the same herbal remedies that have been used for centuries based on folkloric traditions. Unlike essential oils, herbals such as teas made from steeped plants can be ingested.
To use essential oils for constipation and digestive health they must be cut with a carrier oil. Coconut oil, sunflower, jojoba, and other oils for external use, and water in diffusers. A few drops of essential oil go a long way. Holistic practitioners do recommend essential oils for digestion in babies.
When using oils for constipation in babies remember to be light-handed in both the mixture and application. Cut down on both the number of drops in the carrier oil as well as the amount applied to the baby.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil has been intuitively used by many cultures for centuries to relieve constipation. Now through modern medical research studies, it is now known why it works. Peppermint oil has antispasmodic properties, it relaxes the muscles throughout the digestive tract.
This loosens the bowels and allows a freer flow. Peppermint essential oil can be used by massaging it into the bowel. Common holistic recommendations are two drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil such as coconut oil massaged into the abdomen. Do NOT use essential oils for constipation in babies which contain menthol like peppermint, spearmint, and similar very powerful aromatics.
Fennel Oil
This powerful seed has been used throughout India as the finishing touch to every meal. In Italy, Fennell is a common addition to salads. The reasoning is simple. Fennell is nature’s laxative.
As one of the essential oils for digestion, 2 drops to a teaspoon of carrier oil with fennel essential oil massaged into the abdomen is recommended. Use a half dosage and a light touch to use essential oils for constipation in babies.
Ginger Oil
Favored throughout Asia, the benefits of Ginger essential oil are now known the world over. Along with being one of the oils for constipation and gut health, it is also effective in improving digestion and reducing nausea.
For constipation, the recommended dosage is 3 to 5 drops mixed with an ounce of carrier oil massaged into the abdomen 2 to 3 times daily.
Other essential oils for digestion and constipation include rosemary essential oil, lemon essential oil, and oregano essential oil.
Using Essential Oils for Constipation Safely
Always use carrier oil to apply essential oils to the skin. Even after diluting essential oils, they should be tested on a small patch of skin for any adverse reactions.
For use on babies smaller doses of essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut are recommended. Always check for skin reactions by massaging a dab into an arm or leg when using essential oils on babies.
Used for many centuries safely, the best essential oils for constipation and all maladies are generally safe for adults. If taking any prescription or OTC medicines, check warning labels for contradictions.
Disclaimer: This article is NOT medical advice and should not be taken as such. Consult an Alternative Health Practitioner or Medical Professional before adding any all-natural products, supplements, or essential oils, to the diet or daily routine.