Snowflake Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass formed from felsic lava. It is black with white or gray patches that resemble snowflakes.
A Complete overview
The Healing Property Of Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian is a stone that presents holders of it with gentle energy and many healing components. As a snowflake is an individual creation so too is the snowflake obsidian, which comes in many different forms and unique varieties.

Snowflake Obsidian Meaning
Also called a stone of purity, snowflake obsidian is known to balance emotions and shield people from negative energy. If you're looking to attain a healthy mind body and spirit, then the snowflake obsidian is the stone for you.
This crystal is also associated with grounding and is often used in meditation practices and crystal healing sessions around the world. If you have a specific habit you want to get rid of like smoking or drinking alcohol, the snowflake obsidian can greatly help in that aspect as the stones have the power to change, strengthen and purify the mind.
There are many ways that snowflake obsidian is used. From promoting emotional growth to releasing toxins, snowflake obsidian is truly a multi purpose stone. The following offers insight into the various ways to put your snowflake obsidian to good use:

1. Brings Emotions to the Surface
Snowflake obsidian is a cathartic stone that can be used to bring hidden or repressed emotions to the surface. This healing stone helps with purging one’s emotions and helping them to feel better once those suppressed emotions can be expressed.

2. Promotes Emotional Purity
This special stone also works to promote emotional purity. Snowflake obsidian can be used to clear emotional toxins from the body, mind, heart, and spirit. The energies of the stone help one to find balance and peace of mind.

3. Helps Achieve Clear and Logical Thinking
This stone can be used to help individuals pursue a clear mind and logical thinking. The clarity removes doubt and confusion, promoting clear thinking for the stone holder. A clear mind also works to embrace a new perspective, which makes the possibilities practically endless.

4. Helps to Reduce Negativity
Even the most positive of people experience negativity occasionally. It’s not good when this negativity is harbored and can fester. Snowflake obsidian works to clear the negativity and bring true positivity back to the individual.

5. Achieves Balance in the Body
Sometimes we feel a little bit off track as if we need to be more balanced in body and mind. With the help of snowflake obsidian, we can achieve balance in the body, spirit, and mind. No longer does fear or worry has to be an issue. This stone helps to acquire balance and get back on the right track once again..

6. Associated with Guardian Spirits
Snowflake obsidian is also associated with guardian spirits. This coveted stone offers a reminder that loved ones are looking over you from above and protecting you.

7. Offers Protective Properties
Everyone needs as much protection as they can get and with the snowflake obsidian, the holder of the stone will feel protected and secure. The protective properties also provide stability to the holder of the snowflake obsidian as well.

8. Health-Related Assistance
Many people believe in the healing qualities of snowflake obsidian. Some of the common conditions that individuals believe snowflake obsidian may assist with include: Abdominal problems, Digestion issues, Ear infections and pain, Hearing problems, Skeletal system issues, Skin infections and irritations

What does snowflake obsidian look like?
Snowflake obsidian is a glass-like shiny gemstone that is black in color and accented by white or gray patches. The individual patches resemble snowflakes which is where the name snowflake obsidian originates.
Snowflake obsidian is also known by the names white snowflake obsidian and gray snowflake obsidian. Snowflake obsidian can be in different shapes and sizes with subtle white markings or more prominent ones.
Hardness and Grades of Snowflake Obsidian
When you purchase crystals or stones, you should know a little bit about the hardness and grade levels. Snowflake obsidian has a hardness level of 5 on the Mohs scale. As for grade level, you can choose snowflake obsidian in different grades. A and B grades are the most common. An A-grade stone is clearer and purer in consistency than a B-grade stone. With that said, you don’t have to be too concerned about these aspects of a snowflake obsidian. In the end, if you like what you see and the features that go along with the snowflake obsidian, you shouldn’t hesitate to add it to your stone and crystal collection.

Snowflake Obsidian Property Charts
Property Description
Mineral Composition
A volcanic glass composed of 70-80% SiO2 with the presence of white "snowflake" cristobalite phenocrysts.
Typically black with distinctive white to gray snowflake patterns.
Typically black with distinctive white to gray snowflake patterns.
5-5.5 on the Mohs scale, which means it's very durable.
Vitreous (glass-like).
Conchoidal, with smooth, curved surfaces.
2.33–2.35 g/cm³.
Formation Process
Snowflake obsidian is formed during the rapid cooling of felsic lava, with the white phenocrysts resulting from the separation of cristobalite from the molten lava.
Geological Significance
It is used for both its ornamental and metaphysical properties and can provide insights into the volcanic history of the region.
Common Locations
Found in volcanic regions such as the United States, Mexico, and various other locations around the world.
The healing properties of snowflake obsidian can calm and soothe your mental and physical health. Aside from balancing one's body mind and spirit, this gorgeous black stone is also noted to rapidly heal bruises and wounds and promote good blood circulation. It can also rejuvenate cells and clear the mind by removing negative energy.
Snowflake obsidian is also known to create a space of self-awareness, mental clarity, and discovery for the user. If you are keen to know your purpose or would want to find balance, then it will be best to incorporate these crystals in your chakra meditation routine or crystal healing sessions.

What is Snowflake Obsidian?
While both are forms of volcanic glass, Snowflake Obsidian is characterized by its unique white or gray snowflake-like patterns.
What are the main sources of Snowflake Obsidian?
Large quantities of Snowflake Obsidian are found in regions like Iceland, Mexico, and the United States.
What are the metaphysical properties of Snowflake Obsidian?
Snowflake Obsidian is known as a stone of purity. It balances emotions, shields from negative energy, and promotes mental clarity.
How can Snowflake Obsidian benefit my health?
Many believe that Snowflake Obsidian can rapidly heal bruises and wounds, promote good blood circulation, and rejuvenate cells.
How can I use Snowflake Obsidian in my daily life?
Snowflake Obsidian can be worn as jewelry, kept as a decorative item, or used in meditation and crystal healing sessions.
Can Snowflake Obsidian be paired with other stones?
Is Snowflake Obsidian suitable for all zodiac signs?
What chakras does Snowflake Obsidian resonate with?
Are there any legends or myths associated with Snowflake Obsidian?
How should I care for my Snowflake Obsidian?
Can Snowflake Obsidian help with emotional healing?