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Worry Stones

These smooth oval stones are the perfect holding size with a thumb-sized indentation. Worry stones are used to help prevent anxiety, stress, and tension. Perfectly fitting in your palm, our crystal worry stones are easy to carry along with you and polished with a satisfying smoothness.

Working with crystals as a worry stone can help to absorb any negative emotions and energy you may have and replace them with positive, healthy, and optimistic energy. Crystal worry stones can help to break up negative thought patterns and behaviors. Sometimes known as a "fidget stone", worry stones are wonderful for calming anxiety, promoting focus and concentration, and relieving stress.

White Spectrolite Heart Shaped Worry Stone
Natural Glaucophane Worry Stone
Sold Out
Natural Zebra Jasper Worry Stone
Natural Rhodochrosite Worry Stone
Natural Black Obsidian Worry Stone
Natural Chevron Amethyst Worry Stone
Natural Gold Swan Worry Stone
Natural Gray Moonstone Worry Stone
Natural Dalmatian Jasper Worry Stone
Kambaba Jasper Heart Shaped Worry Stone
Chevron Amethyst Heart Shaped Worry Stone
Rose Quartz Heart Shaped Worry Stone
Natural Chakra Worry Stones
Natural Chakra Worry Stones

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$ 4.99
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